Waiting for Evie

Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Monday, June 19, 2006

A wonderful surprise!

Our agency finally emailed us the address for Evie's CWI so we can send her a care package. Attached to the email was a new picture of Evie. Take a look, and you can see why I say that I can hardly wait to go and bring her home!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

She still has a bald little head, but it's a cute head, so who cares! Emily says the only way she could be cuter is if she was in a pink dress instead of the yellow one. Looks like I might have two girly girls on my hands in the future.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

We have our Log In Date!

We received an email from our caseworker with our log in date! This is the date that starts the "official" waiting. Since our LID was 5/11, we have been officially waiting for a month already!

Our timeline:
1/18/06 mailed our I-600a
2/17/06 fingerprinted at Chicago USCIS
4/13/06 LOI to China!
4/17/06 received I-171h
5/04/06 received PA
5/04/06 DTC
5/11/06 LID!

We are still waiting for our Travel Approval from China, but have been told that our agency will be mailing our travel packet soon.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Our Emily is such a wonderful girl. I know that she will be a great big sister to Evie. Here is a recent picture of her and her new umbrella that she couldn't wait to try out. It is an overcast day, and we have been having very light sprinkles off and on.

Nothing much to report.

Nothing to report. Time is moving oh-so-slowly. I am still hoping for late summer/early fall travel, but I just don't know when we will go. We will be sending Evie a care package soon. After that, we just wait for our agency to tell us what to do! I think the next step will be getting our visas.

We did get interviewed about our adoption for an article that might appear in our newspaper. I hope we sounded good, and that the article will be a good one. (Recently there was a whole series of really negative adoption articles in the local paper.)

We found some cute toys for Evie. Emily picked out a soft pink bear/blanket lovie, and we found a small, soft photo album for the care package we got permission to send. We also found the recommended Sassy stacking cups, and a cute "Peek-a-Moo!" toy. Apparently, when you say "boo" as in "peek-a-boo", it sounds like the word for "no" in Chinese, and upsets the babies. So I guess we will use "peek-a-moo!" for Evie.

Since we got the update on Evie, I've been doing a little shopping. Nana Oma has also been shopping, and sent some cute things for Evie and Emily. It was so cool to get a box addressed to "Emily and Evie"!

This is a cute denim dress from Nana and Papa Don!

(there was a cute pic here!)

This is a cute little romper and hat that Daddy picked out! I guess he was tired of all the girly things that Em and I were choosing.

(there was a cute pic here!)

We found this cute ladybug dress and I wanted it! (Ladybugs are a symbol of good luck in the Chinese adoption world!) Red is also considered good luck in China. I think this will be the dress Evie wears for our consulate appointment in China.

(there was a cute pic here!)

This was picked out with our nephew Logan in mind. He loves Elmo, and I thought that I would dress Evie in this outfit for their first meeting.

(there was a cute pic here!)

7/31/06: Sorry, I deleted the clothes pictures to make room for the new Evie pics!