The heat of summer has passed, and now we have jumped right into fall. Temperatures have been unseasonably chilly here. It is good baking weather, and soup weather, too! We got down into the 30's last night, and everyone got an extra blanket or two on their bed!
This past Saturday we took the opportunity to go on a walk by the river.

Evie likes to ride in her new stroller. Since she can't undo the buckles herself to get out, she has also figured out how to get around on her own while in it!

There are usually lots of geese at the river, ready to beg (or steal!) breadcrumbs, crackers, or your leftover lunch. This time we only saw ducks, though. These are begging from Em, but they soon figured out that we didn't have anything for them. It is against the law to feed the birds, but people do it anyway! In fact, I should have snapped a picture of the family standing right in front of the "It is Illegal to Feed the Waterfowl" sign while feeding the ducks!

We saw mallards, American black ducks, and one that I can't identify yet.

We wondered if this one felt like the Ugly Duckling. I think it's the AFLAC duck on vacation!

More ducks. Emily crept down on the rocks near the river to take the top picture:

Heading back toward the car, Evie wanted to walk, so I pushed the empty stroller and took some photos.

A picture of the I-74 bridge over the river