A seal named Name
Richard recently spent 3 weeks in Seattle, training for his new job. Before he left to come home, he mailed us a package. It must have taken an interesting trip, because the package just arrived here a few days ago! We got to open it with Richard here beside us. Inside were gifts for all of us. Em got a lovely snow globe for her collection, and I got some Vanilla Rooibos tea and smoked salmon. Evie got a stuffed animal baby harbor seal. She loves it.
When we asked her what the seal's name is, she thought for a moment, then replied "Name". Every time we ask her what her seal's name is, she gives the same response, so her seal's name must be Name. Name has also been given a place of honor on the bed. Usually just Evie and Muh get to sleep on the bed - she tosses all of her other animal friends off onto the floor!
When we asked her what the seal's name is, she thought for a moment, then replied "Name". Every time we ask her what her seal's name is, she gives the same response, so her seal's name must be Name. Name has also been given a place of honor on the bed. Usually just Evie and Muh get to sleep on the bed - she tosses all of her other animal friends off onto the floor!