Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Update on the habanero peach preserves

Well, Richard had some on his toast this morning, and he's still alive! It's been 12 hours and counting... How long does botulism take to do you in, anyway? (just kidding) I had a bite, too. My sense of taste and smell is still kind of messed up from all the colds and sinus problems lately, but I could taste the sweetness, and a little kick at the end. It was good! Richard liked it, too.

I'm pretty sure I followed all the safety procedures ~ I even obsessively checked and double checked each step. I'm just worried that I did something wrong and someone will get sick. Richard agreed to be my test subject! What a sweetie.


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