Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More Evie pics, with a super-special side of Emily!

Some recent pictures!

Evie cuteness

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Evie and the dreaded footie jammies!

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Emily decided that she was too big for her toybox, so she cleaned it out and donated it to Evie! Evie loves it. What a great big sis!

Evie decided that this trashcan made the perfect hat to go with the dress from Nana and Papa!

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Richard just had to snap some photos of her doing this!

These are pictures from the Milan Labor Day parade.

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Em is gorgeous, as usual! We had Evie wearing the hat so her little bald head didn't get sunburned. It didn't stay on very long! (don't worry, no sunburn!)


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