Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


It is feeling like fall here. It is cooler and rainy. I made green bean soup yesterday, and feel like baking. Last night we had the windows open and listened to the rain as we fell asleep. Time to break out the heavy pj's and put another quilt on the bed. I was actually a horrible mom and got footie pajamas for Evie. I remember how much I hated them as a child, and how much Emily disliked them. But, Evie refuses to sleep with covers on. How else is a mom to keep her little one warm?

I am still sick. I caught a horrible cold about a month before we went to China, got over it in time for travel, then caught a doozy there. I think I caught it from Evie and/or Richard. (both of whom are robustly healthy right now, I might add) I have coughing fits and a fever and no energy, and the coughing keeps me up half the night. My voice is very hoarse, and I lose it if I talk too much, which Richard says is all the time... I am actually planning on going to bed by 8 tonight, if Evie will cooperate! Dr. said that I have a stubborn sinus infection, and gave me antibiotics and prescription cough syrup. It is grape flavored, and yucky. (I feel like Em!) If I'm not feeling a lot better this week, I will have to go get chest xrays. blah. (Richard is telling everyone that I shouldn't have been holding all the chickens and ducks in China... so they will think I have the bird flu!)

We had to go out today, and Walmart and Lowe's just about did me in. I think I should have taken a nap to recuperate! (of course, Walmart can be tiring on a regular day...) Before that, we went for a drive and ended up at the apple orchard. We bought peaches, granny smith and gala apples, and the lady gave us a little bag of soft pears for Evie. They have bags of little apples just the right size for a lunchbox. We saw the animals they have there to pet, and Evie was so excited and kept signing the word for dog. I wish we knew the signs for donkey and goat and deer, but we lost the sign book.

The lady told us that in a couple weeks they will have the honeycrisp apples (my fave!) and hayrack rides, and you can pick your own apples. Emily is already making plans for the pumpkin patch, too.

bye! Send sweet dreams to Evie, so I can go to bed early!


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