Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Rocking Chairs

I know I write a lot about rocking Evie to sleep at night. It is one of my favorite times of the day, and I've been thinking about why that is. I also rocked Emily to sleep at night, but I think that maybe I was to young to really appreciate it then.

First, rocking Evie to sleep connects me to the many generations of moms before me. I can sit in my rocker, holding my baby, and know that my mother rocked me to sleep, and think about the mothers before her rocking their babies to sleep. Even though my rocker is a metal and microfiber glider, it gets the job done as well as the wooden rocker my mom used.

It is special Mama and Evie time. I wrap her up in her blankie, and grab pink bunny, and we snuggle in the rocker. We talk about Daddy and Sister, and our pets. Evie likes to pet my hair, and rub it on her face. (it would be easier if I had longer hair!) We give lots of kisses and smoochies ~ Evie says "mmmmmm-Ah!" and sticks her lower lip out when she wants kisses. Most of the time this is a cue to kiss her on the forehead or cheek, but sometimes she will sneak one in on the lips, especially when she knows that she's being a stinker! We talk about how nice her pink bunny is, and how soft she is.

It is magic to rock a baby to sleep, even an older baby like Evie. She starts out awake and alert, and slowly falls asleep. I love listening to the sounds she makes when she sucks her thumb, the way she slowly stops rubbing pink bunny, the way her breathing evens out and she relaxes. I love all the little twitches she makes, the way her head gets sweaty against my arm, the way she will peek one eye open to see if I'm still there.

I know that when I'm rocking Evie, the rest of the world has to wait. I know that I still have to pack lunches for tomorrow, and I know that the dishes and laundry are waiting. But, now I have time to sit and relax and snuggle, and not have to clean or chase a wild toddler. Rocking a baby is magic, I tell you!


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