Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Look, Mom! We finally finished the nursery...

We were so rushed to get everything ready to go after our TA last summer that we just got the nursery painted (Friendly Frog green!) and the furniture in there. Well, after almost 6 months home, we finally got it finished! Yes, I am the slowest person on the face of the planet ~ just ask my husband (or my dad!) Lots of butterflies in the room ~ in China we were told that butterflies are fu, good luck for Chinese babies!

Two cute little wooden things I painted and put together for her walls:

The new curtains, and the birdhouses I bought last summer. I didn't know what I was going to do with them at the time. I think they match well!

Evie's bed, with the musical flowers and the 100 good wishes quilt made by her Nana. Evie has a thing about sheets ~ she likes to rip them off the bed, and throw them and most of the blankets out of the bed during naptime. She was only partly successful this day!

Evie's dresser, with the stash of cloth diapers (and the covers on top). You can also see her cd player (so we can listen to music before bed) and the vaporizer (because of the bronchitis). Her room is so tiny that I had to stand behind the crib to take this picture!

Evie and Muh in the new rocking chair:


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