Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Emily needs glasses!

Em has been coming home from school with a headache every day. So, we took her to the eye doctor. She is farsighted, and needs glasses to read or do homework. The doctor also said that her eyes are trying to cross a little when she reads, and the strain of keeping them pointed straight is also contributing to the headache. So, Em will have bifocals - clear lenses for distance, and prescription reading lenses for close work. We couldn't get the no-line bifocals, because the line on her glasses will help her eyes become stronger.

She picked a really cute purple pair of glasses at first, but then opted for a nice bronze-gold pair. My little fashionista explained that she liked the purple ones better, but they wouldn't match everything in her wardrobe, and the gold ones would. Makes perfect sense to me! I think I will take her along when it is time to pick out my glasses.

We pick them up next week, so I will try to post pictures then.


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