I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! This was Evie's first Christmas, as far as we know. (I need to find a Baby's First Christmas ornament for her.) We also got a new tree this year, and she is fascinated by it. We had to stash the gifts in the basement so she couldn't find them and open them before it was time. We put them under the tree on Christmas Eve, and the girls left out cookies and a Pepsi for Santa, and nibbled on some cookies themselves! You should have seen her eyes when all of these mysterious brightly wrapped presents started appearing under the tree!

Richard's parents took the train up from Texas to be with us for Christmas, and to meet Evie. She loves her Nana and Papa! She can say Nana, and loves to sign Papa. Needless to say, they are in love with her, too. Em is having lots of fun with her Nana and Papa, too.

Evie was so excited to rip the paper off of her gifts, and loved to play with the wrapping, too ~ especially the bows, ribbons, and gift bags. I think we all went overboard because it's so much fun to buy for a little one. The favorites? The Learning Puppy from Daddy, the Momo (Elmo/elbow!) phone from Nana and Papa, and the wagon full of big Legos from Grandma and Papa. We had a mountain of presents under the tree, and tons of boxes to recycle and bags of trash when we were done! Emily also made out like a bandit - she got a guitar from Daddy, with the promise of lessons to follow. She also got clothes and necklaces, and Littlest Pet Shop pets and a video game. I got a beautiful Mother's necklace with both of the girls' birthstones on it. I love it! I think Richard's favorites were the calendars - a wall "de-Motivational" calendar, and a desk calendar with stupid sayings.
Evie also loved the Christmas feast - well, anything to do with food is a hit in her eyes! I made a turkey breast, ham, party potatoes, green bean casserole, a relish tray and yeast rolls. We also had apple pie and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert. Evie ate so many potatoes that I thought she would burst! She also liked the green bean casserole, and she licked all the butter off of her roll before she ate it! I also slipped a slice of her beloved American cheese onto her plate.
Here are my favorite girls! Emily after her school Christmas program, and Evie just being Evie!

Richard's parents took the train up from Texas to be with us for Christmas, and to meet Evie. She loves her Nana and Papa! She can say Nana, and loves to sign Papa. Needless to say, they are in love with her, too. Em is having lots of fun with her Nana and Papa, too.

Evie was so excited to rip the paper off of her gifts, and loved to play with the wrapping, too ~ especially the bows, ribbons, and gift bags. I think we all went overboard because it's so much fun to buy for a little one. The favorites? The Learning Puppy from Daddy, the Momo (Elmo/elbow!) phone from Nana and Papa, and the wagon full of big Legos from Grandma and Papa. We had a mountain of presents under the tree, and tons of boxes to recycle and bags of trash when we were done! Emily also made out like a bandit - she got a guitar from Daddy, with the promise of lessons to follow. She also got clothes and necklaces, and Littlest Pet Shop pets and a video game. I got a beautiful Mother's necklace with both of the girls' birthstones on it. I love it! I think Richard's favorites were the calendars - a wall "de-Motivational" calendar, and a desk calendar with stupid sayings.
Evie also loved the Christmas feast - well, anything to do with food is a hit in her eyes! I made a turkey breast, ham, party potatoes, green bean casserole, a relish tray and yeast rolls. We also had apple pie and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert. Evie ate so many potatoes that I thought she would burst! She also liked the green bean casserole, and she licked all the butter off of her roll before she ate it! I also slipped a slice of her beloved American cheese onto her plate.
Here are my favorite girls! Emily after her school Christmas program, and Evie just being Evie!

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