Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We're at the hospital

Evie is in surgery now.

We got up before 5 and got on the road by shortly after 5. We woke Evie up at the last moment. She kissed Sissy and Grandma and Papa goodbye, then we left for the hospital. She was cranky in the room where we waited to be admitted (we had to take a number. We were #5, so Evie kept giving us 5!)

Then we were shown into a little room with a crib bed where we waited for the nurses and doctors to do their stuff. Evie had a blood draw, was measured and had her heart listened to, we answered 500 questions, etc. Evie had fun - I put her green blankie on the floor, then she and Muh sat on it and wrote with Richard's good pen in Richard's work notebook! Somehow, she got ink all over her - face, ankles, shoulder, earlobe! We met the nurses, and the anesthesiologist and the surgical nurse. We also saw Dr. Paul. We taught Evie the signs for Doctor and Nurse, but she didn't sign them very often.

We got to walk Evie back to the OR. The nurse carried her wrapped in a warm blanket, and was very bright and cheery. Evie liked her. They waved to all of the nurse's friends - secretaries, nurses, doctors, etc. Everyone liked Evie's smile.

Now we are in Waiting Room A. Surgery started between 8:00 and 8:30 am. It is only 8:47 now, but has already felt like an eternity. They told us to expect it to take 2-3 hours, but we should get at least one update.

more later? we'll see. It's nice of the hospital to have wireless internet access for us to use.


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