Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Getting ready for Halloween!

Here are some pictures of the girls in their costumes! Emily is a witch, Evie is a baby penguin. We are calling her Baby Tux, after the mascot of Richard's favorite operating system, Linux! She is a little confused about the whole thing.

Emily as a glamourous witch:

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We still have a little more pink feather "bling" to put around her hat and the tops of her boots.

Evie as Baby Tux:

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I trashed my bedroom, but I'm still cute, right, Mom? ...Mom?


Blogger Stephanie said...

Emily is way too pretty to be just a plain old witch so this one fits her better.
As for Evie OMG that is sooooo cute!


9:24 AM  

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