Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Monday, December 04, 2006

twas the night before surgery...

And mama can't sleep. I have the bags all packed, and we're ready to go bright and early. We have to be there at 6:00 am. Muh took a bath in the washer and is pink-ish once again.

Evie had a bath and is in her good jammies, because the nurse said to bring her on in like that!

Tonight was her last bottle ever, and she only drank about an ounce out of it. Guess she didn't want to miss out on the fun that Sissy, Grandma, and Papa were having in the living room. I almost cried, I will miss bottle time. Last night she was almost frantic while drinking it, and she looked into my eyes the entire time.

I'll try to update a couple days after the surgery.


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