Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


The surgery is over. Everyone told us how great she did, how well everything went, what a good and smart baby she is. I am happy with how well it all went. Dr. Paul was able to close everything, and he is pleased with the results.

Recovery is hard. Very very hard. I watch surgery shows on tv and have observed veterinary surgeries, but I felt queasy and shaky seeing our baby laying there motionless, bleeding from her mouth and nose. Evie is so swollen around her mouth, nose, and cheeks. She was sleeping and so so still. Evie is an active sleeper - she tosses and turns and fidgets. Now she is just sleeping there motionless. Also, she has been throwing up blood. It looks like lots of blood to me, but probably isn't. She is scared when she throws up, but they have finally come in to give her something for the nausea. She has a fever, so is sleeping nakie with just a diaper on. She hates the iv, the blood pressure thing on her toe, and the nonos (arm splints) She is not able to sign very well and is frustrated when she is awake, which isn't often.

Our room is up on the pediatric floor, and it seems like a nice place. There are toys in the hallways and neat wallpaper borders in the room. The nurses are very nice. It's a nice place to visit, but we don't want to stay here!


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