Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesday update!

I called and moved up Evie's appointment with Dr. Paul to this morning. She is doing great! He is very pleased with how things look. He said she had a very big cleft and it was a difficult repair. I think he was not expecting it to look so good! She let him look in her mouth, and there was just a little fussing, but not bad.
We took the nonos off, and she can use a sippy cup again, suck her thumb, and feed herself without silverware. He said she could have a bottle, but I don't think we'll do that. As I type, she's drinking watered down apple juice from her sippy, and playing all of her musical toys at once!
She has now graduated to soft solids - oatmeal, mashed potatoes, very overcooked noodles, stage 3 baby foods, regular yogurts, etc. None of the beloved cheese, though. I guess it's too sticky? Next week we get to slowly introduce everything else back in. He wants to see her back in a month.
The diaper rash is a side effect of the augmentin, and he said it should go away since she's not taking it anymore.
She is in a much happier mood. I took her to Hyvee and bought a bunch of mushy foods for her, and she waved and smiled and charmed everyone. She even blew kisses to the cashier - we seem to get in her line a lot and they get on really well. She is also signing up a storm - all the face signs she couldn't do for a week!

I am so relieved. I knew she was doing well, but I really had no idea what to look for in her mouth. I am so glad Dr. P thinks it went well!


Blogger Julie said...

Yay! I'm so glad things are going so well and you have the most difficult part behind all of you!

8:47 PM  
Blogger Swifty said...

Monie, wishing you and yours a Blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Love reading about Evie amd Emily and all their new adventures. Now you have your 1st Christmas together. That is fantastic! Just relaxing since the grandkids went home to day so they could be home when Santa arrives tonight. Nothing better than great grandkids, but that's coming from the grandma. I have to compete with Emily and Evie's PaPa. Love, Swifty

11:07 PM  
Blogger Swifty said...

Monie, just signing up about drove me nutz. But hopefully I'm signed up now and this note gets to you. Wanted to wish you all a very Blessed Christmas as you all celebrate your 1st Christmas together. Nothing better than great grandkids. Of course I have to compete with the girls Papa. He has three of the cutest and I have the other four. Love reading about the Harlan's adventures. You are truly blessed. Love, Swifty

11:14 PM  

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