Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

An ordinary, yet wonderful, update!

It is a cold, snowy morning. I think we got another 4-5 inches of snow overnight, and it made the outside world look fluffy and beautiful! Richard is outside right now snowblowing, and Evie is standing at the livingroom window pounding on the glass and yelling at him!

Yesterday we took a drive to Des Moines. We were looking for a new glider rocker for Evie's room. (the old one was inexpensive, and we got what we paid for!) Well, I found one I really liked, and it was on clearance, so we ended up buying two - one for Evie's room, and one for the living room. They are soft and sturdy and comfy, and somehow the wood on them ended up matching everything else wonderfully! We had to take them out of the boxes and do some creative rearranging, but we got them both in the back of the new van after we laid the back seats down. There is really a lot of room back there!

While we were in Des Moines, we ate lunch at the Texas Roadhouse. Since Evie got the go-ahead to try to drink with a straw, we let her try it out. She was actually successful at getting the water in her mouth several times! Each time she also ended up splashing her face, so she soon gave up the straw in favor of her pink sippy cup. We'll try again later, with juice or milk, which will be more of a reward for the hard work of learning to use a straw.

Evie also seems to be talking more, both in signs and words. She also seems to be trying to say many of the words that she signs. She loves to sign and say "light" and "banana" especially!

Evie's nights seem to be going better, too. There is a lot less fighting, and she seems to fall asleep easier. She has actually slept in her own bed all night a couple times! She likes her new rocking chair, and was petting it while I was rocking her last night.

Emily is doing wonderfully, too. She is a good student, and loves to read. Right now she is reading the sixth Harry Potter book, and is already impatiently waiting for the next one! She is very excited about her school field trip next week. They are going to learn how to ski at Snowstar, a local ski resort. None of us have ever skied, so she will be our new expert! Her school takes this fieldtrip in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. Emily also happens to be Evie's favorite person in the world. Her sister loves to say "Ema!", and her favorite time of day is when her sissy comes home from school.


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