Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


We got a little pool to put in our backyard. Our yard slopes a lot, and it was difficult to find a place to put it. This was the flattest part of the yard we could find, but our cheapie little Walmart pool still has a shallow end and a deep end! (you can see our gardens in the background!)

Swimming with Big Sissy

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Evie loves her big Sissy

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Uh oh, I think something is happening here

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Yes, something definitely happened in the pool. Check out Em's face!

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Evie doesn't love having to get out of the pool

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Unfortunately, the pool is no longer with us. Lucky decided that it was a yummy dog treat, and it has now gone to wading pool heaven. Or the trashcan. Take your pick!


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