A trip to Kansas City (Picture Heavy!)
Evie, Em and I met my parents and Jeff, Angie and Logan in Kansas City a couple weekends ago. (Poor Richard had to go on a business trip instead!)
Logan and Evie:

Hop on Papa!

Evie and Mama

The sign by the elevator said not to let children run and play in the hallway. Hah!

We spent Saturday afternoon at Science City. Em, Evie, and Logan had lots of fun exploring all of the hands-on displays for children. We all took lots of pictures!
In the music room:

Evie, Grandma, and Papa sitting on a bench in the sun.

Playing at the water table

Em playing mini golf

Logan and Jeff in the helicopter

Grandma, Logan, and the dinosaur

Driving the car!

Evie just chillin'

Making bubbles. Evie calls them "Mumm-els", and they are some of her favorite things!

Outside of Union Station/Science City. A nice stranger took the picture for us with Papa's camera!

Sunday morning, we met Aunt DJ at IHOP for brunch before we all headed home. These were all taken outside of IHOP the morning we all had to go back home:


Em and Grandma. She's almost caught up! Watch out, Grandma!

Grandparents and Grandkids

Logan and Evie:

Hop on Papa!

Evie and Mama

The sign by the elevator said not to let children run and play in the hallway. Hah!

We spent Saturday afternoon at Science City. Em, Evie, and Logan had lots of fun exploring all of the hands-on displays for children. We all took lots of pictures!
In the music room:

Evie, Grandma, and Papa sitting on a bench in the sun.

Playing at the water table

Em playing mini golf

Logan and Jeff in the helicopter

Grandma, Logan, and the dinosaur

Driving the car!

Evie just chillin'

Making bubbles. Evie calls them "Mumm-els", and they are some of her favorite things!

Outside of Union Station/Science City. A nice stranger took the picture for us with Papa's camera!

Sunday morning, we met Aunt DJ at IHOP for brunch before we all headed home. These were all taken outside of IHOP the morning we all had to go back home:


Em and Grandma. She's almost caught up! Watch out, Grandma!

Grandparents and Grandkids

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