Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lucky Emily

After our vacation, Lucky Emily got to go to the mountains with my parents (her Grandma and Papa), my grandparents (her great-Grandma and great-Grandpa H), and my brother and his family (her Uncle Jeff, Aunt Angie, and cousin Logan) while Richard, Evie, and I had to come back home. No Fair!

Grandma and Grandpa H's cabin

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Em and Papa, Em and Grandma

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Em and Logan on the tire swing and at the cabin

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At Bishop's castle, and in the big chair at the castle

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Blogger Julie said...

I know you missed Emily so I'm glad to hear that she is home but after looking at those pictures...I think you should have moved in with Great Grandpa!

1:20 AM  

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