Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I know, I'm a little late with the Halloween pictures!

Here is Em, my rock star. She is wearing purple eyeshadow and a fake tattoo on her cheek, and carried around a microphone with her. We were running late, and forgot all about the hot pink hairspray we bought to put streaks in her hair.

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Evie was a little monkey. We found the costume at Target, and she loved it instantly. She had to carry around her little stuffed monkey when we went trick-or-treating. Evie still likes to dress up in the costume, although it's almost too small (size 24 months). The other day she put it on, then went upstairs to surprise her daddy. He was in the middle of a business call at the time. Oops!

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The girls together:

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Evie in the pumpkin hat I made for her last year:

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