All about Evie
We decided to look into adoption in September of 2005, and were considering domestic infant adoption. We went to a seminar by a local adoption agency, and did lots of research. We decided that we would like to sign on with Family Resources, Inc., and were accepted. After much discussion (mostly on my part!), we changed our focus to Chinese adoption. We began our homestudy, and started assembling our dossier.
While waiting for our I-171h to arrive, we started thinking about all of the waiting children - the ones with special needs. I felt called to adopt a special needs child, and Richard agreed with me. As fate would have it, our agency had just gotten in a new list of waiting children. We found Evie on this list! Her name is Guan Haihong, and she is living in the Dongguan Social Welfare Institute, in southern China.

While waiting for our I-171h to arrive, we started thinking about all of the waiting children - the ones with special needs. I felt called to adopt a special needs child, and Richard agreed with me. As fate would have it, our agency had just gotten in a new list of waiting children. We found Evie on this list! Her name is Guan Haihong, and she is living in the Dongguan Social Welfare Institute, in southern China.
Introducing: Evelynn Haihong Rosa!

Isn't she beautiful? I just love to look at her.
Evie's special need is that she was born with cleft lip and cleft palate. The wonderful doctors in China have repaired her lip, but she will need palate surgery after we bring her home.
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