Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Evie is having a Bad Day

Today I took Evie to the doctor to be tested for lead. We have learned that many children in Dongguan, Evie's hometown in China, have dangerous levels of lead in their blood.

She had to be held down by me (in a bear hug and restraining one arm), and another guy (restraining her legs and holding the other arm out) while the nurse held her head with one hand (to avoid headbutts) and managed to draw the blood with the other. I was expecting a finger prick, but they had to take it out of her arm. She kicked and screamed and head butted, and wiggled all over the place. It was horrible. I feel like such a bad mom to make her go through all of that.

Now she is snuggled on the couch, watching the Doodlebops with Muh and Dandelion and Yellow (her 100 Wishes quilt that her Nana made for her), and she keeps signing "hurt" and saying "ow". She won't let me take the pink bandage off of her arm until Emily gets out of school - she needs to show Em her boo-boo.

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Blogger Julie said...

Awwww...look at her pink bandage. I'm sorry she is so terrified of the doctor's office. She hasn't had many good experiences, has she?

1:13 PM  

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