Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Our interesting dinner last night...

Richard grilled Jerk Chicken outside. (it was good!) Inside, I made yummy Black Beans and Rice. Lots of veggies and garlic and black beans cooked together, then mashed a little and served over rice. Evie loved the rice. The beans were a little scary, though. She poked them with her finger, looked at her finger, then screamed at her Daddy to get the poop off of her finger. I'm sure she was wondering what the heck I was thinking, serving poop at a meal. She wouldn't taste it for anything! For the rest of the meal, Em and Richard referred to the dish as Poop and Rice, and wondered if I harvested the beans from the bunny cage. Yes, we are a strange family.


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