Location: Texas

mama to Em, Evie, Andy and Jack! LOVE makes a family!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Emily's first day of Fifth Grade!

Emily started fifth grade today at a brand new school. She is now attending the local Catholic school. (No, we aren't Catholic.) The only good thing about it for Em? All her friends going to the public school started about a month ago, so she's had an extra-long summer break.

How does Em feel about attending this new school, where uniforms are required?

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I think she looks very nice. We braided her hair last night after her shower so it would be nice and wavy this morning.

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Evie had to get in on the first-day-of-school pictures, too!

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Blogger Julie said...

I saw the Catholice school at work the other day and thought about Em. I hope she makes new friends quickly.

Evie is looking so...big girlish!

1:26 PM  

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